МТВ-82 рухається на вокзал


МТВ-82 рухається на вокзал

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Ukraine Ukraine > Київська міська громада > Shevchenkivskyi district > Kyiv
Old buildings of the street Zhylianska. It just had the rails from the boulevard Shevchenko "S Shevchenko boulevard rails subsequently removed: immediately after the war - from Bessarabki to Victory Square, and in 1959 - from the square to Vozduhoflotsky bridge (now this quarter relates to the prospectus), moving them behind the house, about to where they are today. Since then, after passing under the bridge Vozduhoflotsky, sharply curved line to the right, and not reaching the current Palace of Marriages, pops up on the left side of the avenue."
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Foto publicada el
 23 de abril de 2019 a las 18:36

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