Благавешчанск Царква


Благавешчанск Царква

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Belarus Belarus > Vitsebsk Region > Vitsebsk
"The Blagoveshchensk Church. 12V., Rest. in mid 18c. and in 1862 Belorussia, Vitebsk. Blagoveshchensk Church. General view from the north-western side. "The picture was signed by the author-photographer Shimansky Sergey Gavrilovich. " The chronicle sources of the XVI-XVII centuries. (Chronicle of Strykovsky, Chronicle Bykhovtsz) refer to the construction of the church to the XIV century and are associated with the name of Prince Olgere. The legend, fixed in the city chronicle of the 18th century, speaks of the construction of the temple of the Annunciation in Vitebsk in 974 by Princess Olga simultaneously with the foundation of the city. The sorporation was repeated several times. In 1619, by order of the king, Sigismund III was transferred to unitam. The church suffered greatly during the Northern War. In 1714, repairs were made, and in 1759 the church was rebuilt in the style of Late Baroque.
Comentarios (1)


bosko_ko 8 de junio de 2020 a las 06:17

It's very good

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Foto publicada el
 5 de enero de 2020 a las 04:09

© Shimansky Sergey Gavrilovich
Todos los derechos reservados

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Old photos of Vitsebsk,Old photographs of Vitsebsk,Old images of Vitsebsk,Old snapshots of Vitsebsk,Old panoramic views of Vitsebsk,Old prints of Vitsebsk