Jägerstrasse 45


Jägerstrasse 45

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Germany Germany > Berlin
Plate 40 from "Leaves for Architecture and Crafts", VI. Vintage (Berlin, 1893), with the purchase and house of the perfume and soap manufacturer and court supplier Gustav Lohse in Jägerstraße 45. In the picture: front of the house with 3 floors, built in 1886-1887 according to plans by the architects Ende & Böckmann [Wilhelm Böckmann (1832-1902) and Hermann Ende (1829-1905)] in a recording of the court photographer Albert Schwartz.
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Foto publicada el
 27 de junio de 2020 a las 00:36

© Friedrich Albert Schwartz
Todos los derechos reservados

Imagen utilizada mediante las condiciones "Fair Use"

Old photos of Berlin,Old photographs of Berlin,Old images of Berlin,Old snapshots of Berlin,Old panoramic views of Berlin,Old prints of Berlin