Греческий Николаевский монастырь


Греческий Николаевский монастырь

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Russian Federation Russian Federation > Moscow > Tverskoy District
V the 80 years of the nineteenth century in the cultural life of Moscow was a significant event - were published in five volumes edition "Moscow. Cathedrals, monasteries and churches, "contains photos of all Moscow churches. Author and initiator of the creation of this collection was the famous Moscow businessman Nikolai Naydenov.Pozhaluy, it is difficult to find another collection of historical documents on the same city the same value configured forces and the means of one enthusiast. Expensive best shot produced at the time the firm "Scherer. Nabgolts and K ° in Moscow, "is the supplier of the imperial court. Pre-revolutionary photographs of monuments and spiritual culture - "svoeobraznaya Moscow iconographic encyclopaedia "The authors of: Naydenov NA Year: 1883Format: pdfRazreshenie pages: 1200h1600Kachestvo: otlichnoeRazmer: 127.64 MbSoderzhanie: Book I of the Kremlin and China Town II book III book White City.. part I
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Foto publicada el
 7 de junio de 2019 a las 08:16

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Old photos of Tverskoy District,Old photographs of Tverskoy District,Old images of Tverskoy District,Old snapshots of Tverskoy District,Old panoramic views of Tverskoy District,Old prints of Tverskoy District