Lyon - La Cathédrale Saint-Jean, Le Coteau de Fourvière


Lyon - La Cathédrale Saint-Jean, Le Coteau de Fourvière

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フランス フランス > Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes > Métropole de Lyon > Lyon
Lyon - Cathedral of St. John the Baptist and the hillside Furver.Sobor Svyatgo John the Baptist (Saint-Jean, Cathédrale Saint-Jean-Baptiste) is the seat of the Primate of Gaul (France) from 1079. Modern building laid in 1165, but completed only by the end of the XIV century. During the construction of the stone blocks used from older buildings, in particular - from the forum of the Roman era. In this building there were two church councils - in 1245 and in 1274 respectively in 1316 there took place the coronation of Pope John XXII, and in 1600 - the wedding of Henry IV and Marie de Medici. The building of the cathedral was built in Gothic style and is 80 meters long, 26 meters wide and 32.5 meters high. The cathedral is decorated with stained-glass windows on the themes of the book of Genesis and John the Baptist. There are also the astronomical clock of the XIV century the height of 9.35 meters and a width of 2.
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909 写真

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 30/11/2017 14:44

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