Blick über die Belle-Alliance-Brücke


Blick über die Belle-Alliance-Brücke

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Germany Germany > Berlin
The Belle-Alliance Bridge on the Hallesche Tor and the development of the Hallesche Ufer, the main connection of the main connection of the Tempelhofer suburb south of the Landwehr Canal with the downtown Berlin in 1861 forms the Belle Alliance Bridge (since 1947 Mehringbrücke). A wooden folding bridge built in the shipment of the Landwehr Canal in 1849 will soon no longer be sufficient for growing traffic, so that a new building was carried out by Johann Heinrich Strack in 1874-76. The massive building is the last bridge built by the Prussian state in Berlin, since the “street and bridge load” has passed to the city since January 1, 1876. At almost 34 meters, it is the widest river crossing in Berlin. The arch bridge, which is overflowing with almost 19 meters spanning, decorate four marble groups made by various artists, which symbolize the commercial, shipping, trade, trade and fishing.
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596 fotos

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Fotos cercanas

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Foto publicada el
 16 de febrero de 2021 a las 04:59

© Friedrich Albert Schwartz
Todos los derechos reservados

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Old photos of Berlin,Old photographs of Berlin,Old images of Berlin,Old snapshots of Berlin,Old panoramic views of Berlin,Old prints of Berlin