Majaka tänav


Majaka tänav

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Estonia Estonia > Tallinn > Tallinn
I had great difficulty in finding this place. I was sure that it was in St. Petersburg - only viewing the 8-mm film shot during this cycling trip, I realized that to be found in Tallinn. It is a pity that these beautiful bearing contact wires were destroyed. For those who were born too late, to announce that the world was colorful, streetcars ran on time, and the sun rose every morning from the East long before your birth. And get up after you... oops. Oddly enough... E strano...
Comentarios (2)


joooosep 20 de enero de 2021 a las 14:07



villem_ee 12 de febrero de 2021 a las 13:14

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395 fotos

Tallinn Polytechnic (Tallinna Polütehnikum)Restoran Õhufoto Väike ÕismäeÜks ringtee juures Õismäe teeVaade tsirkuse poole Stalini väljakul

Fotos cercanas

Majaka tänavStart Beacon StreetThe house at 33 KivimurruTallinna Tselluloosi ja PaberivabrikuLasnamäe tänavNew house on Beacon StreetKadrioru. staadionKadrioru pargiLuige tiik Kadriorgi pargisLuigetiigi pargis Kadriorus

Foto publicada el
 23 de noviembre de 2020 a las 10:58

© Unknown
Todos los derechos reservados

Imagen utilizada mediante las condiciones "Fair Use"

Old photos of Tallinn,Old photographs of Tallinn,Old images of Tallinn,Old snapshots of Tallinn,Old panoramic views of Tallinn,Old prints of Tallinn