Jäger Straße 21. Seehandlungs-Gebäude


Jäger Straße 21. Seehandlungs-Gebäude

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Germany Germany > Berlin
Building of the "General Direction of the Sea Exchange Society" (Eigetümmer: Treasure), on the corner of Jägerstraße 21 and Markgrafenstraße, in a photography by Georg Bartels from 1901, with a view to the south-west. The picture was taken shortly before the demolition of the house until 1903, the architect Paul Kieschke (1851-1905) was built a new building for the "Royal Seehandlung" (also "Prussian Seehandung").
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Foto publicada el
 1 de diciembre de 2020 a las 02:33

© Georg Bartels
Todos los derechos reservados

Imagen utilizada mediante las condiciones "Fair Use"

Old photos of Berlin,Old photographs of Berlin,Old images of Berlin,Old snapshots of Berlin,Old panoramic views of Berlin,Old prints of Berlin