Тимирязевский проезд. Здание, где готовили в 1941 году взрыватели


Тимирязевский проезд. Здание, где готовили в 1941 году взрыватели

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Russian Federation Russian Federation > Moscow > Timiryazevsky District
Timiryazevskiy travel, house nº2. Here in 1941-1942 are spare (redundant headquarters) train 20 Army, the headquarters of the People's Militia, in 1941-1944 Explosive laboratory. Organized at the beginning of the war on the initiative of the Chemical Laboratory Associate Professor FP Platonov manufactured for the guerrillas to secure the capsule float - pressure fuses action. While some of the material - a light clay, needed for the production of the capsule, found next to the Academy of the territory. This breakthrough was made in the guerrilla movement. Part of the building has taken optical shop, created on the basis of the glass workshop of the ICCA. It was launched production of superb quality and beyond the necessary things in the war - optical sights for military equipment and snipers
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Foto publicada el
 22 de abril de 2019 a las 00:42

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