Paleis Huis ten Bosch


Paleis Huis ten Bosch

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Nederlandene Nederlandene > South Holland > The Hague
The royal palace on the outskirts of the city, previously considered rustic. The construction in the traditional Dutch style is built on the project of the arch. P.POST in 1648-1652. By order of Amalia Solms-Brownfels, Princess Orange. According to the project of French arch.d.Marot in 1733-1737. The building was expanded and turned into a palace. Thus, two long wings were built: the Hague (Western) and Wasssenar (Eastern). The wings were connected on both sides of the main building with a rectangular pavilion. Many rulers of the Netherlands, including Louis Bonach, preferred Huis Ten Bosch official residence in the center of Hague. During the VMV, the palace was busy with the Germans and suffered from bombing. After the war, it was renovated. This is now the royal residence.
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 26/04/2020 22:21

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