ko'l bo'yida G'alaba bog'ida qurigan


ko'l bo'yida G'alaba bog'ida qurigan

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Uzbekistan Uzbekistan > Shaykhontohur Tumani > Yunusabad district
On the banks of the lake dried up in Victory Park. Uzbekistan, Tashkent, 1970s
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585 fotos

O'rta Osiyo Davlat universiteti binolarini biri. IN VA. Leninkomsomol ko'liBibixonim va kvadrat Bibihanymskoy haqida torogvye palatkalarmehmonxona Toshkent qal'asi Geyts Obukh

Fotos cercanas

G'alaba bog'ida dam olish maskanig'alaba ParkАквапаркMadaniyat va istirohat bog'i, В аквапаркеВ аквапаркеbir dam maydoni Enea yilda ko'ldan Beach ko'rishГостиница suv bog'ida suv slaydВ аквапарке

Foto publicada el
 12 de julio de 2017 a las 20:30

© Unknown
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Old photos of Yunusabad district,Old photographs of Yunusabad district,Old images of Yunusabad district,Old snapshots of Yunusabad district,Old panoramic views of Yunusabad district,Old prints of Yunusabad district