пам'ятник Е.І.Тотлебену


пам'ятник Е.І.Тотлебену

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Ukraine Ukraine > Sevastopol
Cover postcards Edward Johan (in Russian Eduard Ivanovich) Totleben stands in the end of the climb on the hill Boulevard and the main avenue "hugs" him with two storon.Eto one of the most beautiful and complex monuments of Sevastopol. It was established August 5, 1909 under the project of the artist AA Bilderling (Russian cavalry general) and sculptor IN Shredera.Monument rightly considered not only a monument to Totleben, but the Russian sappers, were constructed and repaired strengthening under enemy fire, winner of the underground-mine voyne.Postament made of gray granite, sculpture, part of the bastion, strengthening the card - bronze. The total height of the monument -. 13.75 m height of the sculpture Totleben - 5.3 m.Pamyatnik very interesting because of its composition. In the center of the complex, wide at the base of the pylon towers diorite stylobate on which the bronze statue of the engineer General Totleben, considering the strengthening of the besieged Sevastopol.
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Пам'ятник Е.І.Тотлебену. (Пам'ятник російським саперам)На пам'ятнику Тотлебенупам'ятник Е.І.ТотлебенуПам'ятник графу ТотлебенуПам'ятник керівнику інженерів Севастопольського гарнізону генералу Е. І. ТотлебенуПам'ятник Е. Я ТотлебенуПам'ятник військовому інженеру Едуард Тотлебенпам'ятник Е.Тотлебенупам'ятник ТотлебенуПам'ятник тотлебену

Foto publicada el
 17 de mayo de 2020 a las 11:33

© A. Skorospekhov and A. Mezhuev
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Old photos of Sevastopol,Old photographs of Sevastopol,Old images of Sevastopol,Old snapshots of Sevastopol,Old panoramic views of Sevastopol,Old prints of Sevastopol