“Windy Corner”


“Windy Corner”

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China China > Jing'an District
"Windy Corner". China, Shanghai, 1937
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开峰路上的Barbwire路障“刮风角”街区在北边界的结算“Windy Corner”街道被沙袋封锁,在1932年的日本攻击期间葡萄牙的SVC脱离,曼宁北西藏路的路障站在北站附近的英国士兵,ChapeiGuarding the corner near Wan Sheng Jiang Yuan 万盛酱园 sauce factory士兵站在燃烧的房屋和商店里Wan Sheng Jiang Yuan 万盛酱园 sauce factory上海志愿军士兵在国际定居点的澳门路(Macao Road)的火灾中

Foto publicada el
 4 de febrero de 2019 a las 05:54

© Harrison Forman
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Old photos of Jing'an District,Old photographs of Jing'an District,Old images of Jing'an District,Old snapshots of Jing'an District,Old panoramic views of Jing'an District,Old prints of Jing'an District