Гасцініца "Юбілейная"



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Hviderusland Hviderusland > Minsk
Only at the moment in Minsk hotel for foreign tourists. His name was in honor of the 50th anniversary of the October Revolution, when that date and was open. Left the hotel restaurant delivered later and fountain. That's just in the vicinity of the fountain, paths and parking was part of the Tatar mosque, as this is a historic site known as the Tatar Sloboda, and even further, and there is a Muslim cemetery, now there are building a new mosque. Well, the historic building was demolished because it prevented the construction of the restaurant, alas, but could serve as a good attraction for foreigners. And the place where this hotel was built for foreigners in at least selected was strange. It is there now inhabited area, and at that time except the Sports Palace and the lonely hostel was nothing. Behind the hotel was the private sector, on the left in the photo more pre-war shop biscuit-printing factory. Oh, much better for this case it could amiss Hotel "Minsk".
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690 billeder

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 24/06/2018 15:15

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