


3 1 

China China > Jing'an District > Jing'an District
Owned by P. W. Giovannini. "Regardless of what type care you are considering – used car of any make – or new one of any make – it will pay you to see us first... We will sell you a car in a business-like way – and finance its purchase on a fair and liberal payment plan if you so desire – ALSO – we will buy your car for cash – or sell it on commission – or lend you money on it."
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jun79 9 de febrero de 2021 a las 13:09


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209 fotos


Fotos cercanas

Paramount Ballroom 百乐门舞厅静安寺/济南寺Bubbling Well Post Office 静安寺邮局日军擅自闯入租界静安寺入口圣诞杉树集市静安寺前的商店/井和济南寺入口处的商店Tram passing on Bubbling Well Road // 上海静安涌泉起泡的好路静安寺年度花篮交易会

Foto publicada el
 18 de enero de 2021 a las 23:08

© Unknown
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Old photos of Jing'an District,Old photographs of Jing'an District,Old images of Jing'an District,Old snapshots of Jing'an District,Old panoramic views of Jing'an District,Old prints of Jing'an District