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Kina Kina > Shanghai > Yangpu District
Adventist compound. Shanghai. June 1935. On the left side, you can see the Times Herald (no longer exists), on the right, you can see the Hudong Hall (one building now exists), on the upper side, you can see the Donghua Cotton Mill. In the picture, the suspected part of the factory building still exists and you can see the Times Herald. The west side still has the pointed roof when it was first built, with two windows wide, while the east side has been combined with a small building on the north side, so it faces Ningguo Road and is four windows wide.
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189 bilder


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复临信徒大院沪东堂 • Shanghai Christianity Hudong Church时兆报馆沪东堂 • Shanghai Christianity Hudong ChurchSigns of the Times Publishing House 时兆报馆Signs of the Times Publishing House 时兆报馆Adventist press Signs of the Times 时兆报馆Automobile of the Adventist press Signs of the Times 时兆报馆Adventist press Signs of the Times 时兆报馆Adventist press Signs of the Times 时兆报馆

Foto publicerat på
 01/09/2022 15:14

© Julius A. Barr
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