Уничтоженный дом С.А.Есенина во дворе Бол. Строченовского пер., nº24


Уничтоженный дом С.А.Есенина во дворе Бол. Строченовского пер., nº24

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Russian Federation Russian Federation > Moscow > Moscow
A hostel of lonely orders in possession of the merchant N.V. Krylov. A wooden two-storey house in 1992-1994 in 1992-1994. Burned (set fire) In 1994, the house was demolished, built a new building from bricks, with a shearing boards. In 1995, to the 100th anniversary of the birth of the poet, there was a "memorial" museum. A year later, the museum was assigned state status. The museum is very good, cozy. It is necessary that this is the only place in Moscow, where Sergey Yesenin was registered and lived constantly from 1911 to 1918 at his father Alexander Nikitich, who lived in the house and who worked as a senior clerk in the meat shop of the merchant N.V. Krylova (he belonged to the whole house).
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Foto publicada el
 23 de febrero de 2020 a las 15:38

© Unknown
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Old photos of Moscow,Old photographs of Moscow,Old images of Moscow,Old snapshots of Moscow,Old panoramic views of Moscow,Old prints of Moscow