Петропавл. Қаланың етегінде қарау


Петропавл. Қаланың етегінде қарау

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Kazakhstan Kazakhstan > North Kazakhstan Region > Петропавловск Г. А. > Petropavl
Perhaps this is the only photo (at least of those that are on this site), which quite clearly presented together (and at the same time without overlapping each other) Intercession Cossack church and Kasimov Mosque (Mosque nº2) shooting put on probation by the location of the cathedral and streets.
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1027 fotos

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Foto publicada el
 10 de enero de 2020 a las 13:38

© Unknown
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Old photos of Petropavl,Old photographs of Petropavl,Old images of Petropavl,Old snapshots of Petropavl,Old panoramic views of Petropavl,Old prints of Petropavl