Скульптура колгоспниці на виставці


Скульптура колгоспниці на виставці

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Ukraine Ukraine > Zhytomyr Oblast > Zhytomyr Raion > Zhytomyr
In 1954, in what is now the area of "Mistetski Gate" at the initiative of the then first secretary of the regional party committee, AF Fedorov accelerated pace built brick pavilions exhibitions of hozyaystva.Vystavka achievements was to symbolize an unprecedented flowering of agriculture and industry of the region, causing at the time (still not restored after the war the city) a lot of gossip. About the exhibition today just reminds gate - the entrance to the former vystavku.Na pictures - a fragment of the pavilion "Kolgospi Zhytomyr Raion."
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 22/11/2020 04:22

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