View from the 25th Avenue station of Brooklyn's BMT West End subway line


View from the 25th Avenue station of Brooklyn's BMT West End subway line

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Duane Methodist Episcopal Church on east side of Hudson Street32 Waverly Place. New York University, entrance to building at Washington Square.First Congregational Parish Unitarian Church, ArlingtonGreenwich Avenue from Eighth Street Station of Sixth Avenue ElArlington. Albermarle StreetAlbermarle Street

Zdjęcia w pobliżu

86th StreetSubway station West 12th StreetWelcome to 86th StreetCropsey Avenue, no. 24427901 Bay Parkway. Apartment buildingAvenue PSea Beach Line, Avenue RWest 12th StreetBay Parkway and West 12th Street. Brooklyn

Zdjęcie opublikowane na stronie
 30/12/2018 04:17

© Max Henry Hubacher
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