l'Institut de France


l'Institut de France

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France France > Ile-de-France > Paris > Paris
In his will on March 6, 1661, Cardinal and Minister Mazarin gave heavily to the young King Louis XIV in the construction of college for sixty representatives of noble families from the provinces, united monarchy as a result of the Treaty of Westphalia (1648) and Iberian (1659) peace agreements (where the name was - "Collège des Quatre-Nations", which was Artois, Alsace, Roussillon and Pignerol). Mazarin wished to be buried in the chapel of the college (like his predecessor, Cardinal Richelieu at the Sorbonne), and bequeathed to future college your personal biblioteku.Zhan-Baptiste Colbert commissioned architect Louis Le Royal in make college plans, offering to place it in front of the Louvre on the other side of the Seine. The construction was carried out between 1662 and 1688 years. Mazarin library was opened in 1682 housed one of the top three schools in the Paris central east wing kollezha.Vo the French Revolution in the building since 1796 - "Central School of the Four Nations.
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589 fotos

Camp de La Courtine. Hôpital MilitaireLa façade du Gaumont Palace, place de ClichyLa Fontaine de la Croix-du-TrahoirColonne astrologique de Catherine de Médicis / Column Catherine de MediciDôme de l'Hôtel des Invalides

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Foto publicada el
 13 de junio de 2017 a las 21:14

© Édouard Denis Baldus
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Old photos of Paris,Old photographs of Paris,Old images of Paris,Old snapshots of Paris,Old panoramic views of Paris,Old prints of Paris