Вулиця Джоргієва, 16


Вулиця Джоргієва, 16

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Ukraine Ukraine > Donetsk Oblast > Mariupol
Gorgievskaya St., 16. Residential building, the end of the nineteenth century V. in the 90s of the last century in Mariupol there was a project "d architecture. "Then they collected data on all old houses of Mariupol. But ... this project did not end. And the photos remained ...
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484 photos

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Photo published on
 November 22, 2018 at 08:14 PM

© Unknown
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Old photos of Mariupol,Old photographs of Mariupol,Old images of Mariupol,Old snapshots of Mariupol,Old panoramic views of Mariupol,Old prints of Mariupol