Храм Петра и Павла (ТСХА) перед разрушением


Храм Петра и Павла (ТСХА) перед разрушением

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Russian Federation Russian Federation > Moscow > Moscow
Quote (O.G.G.G.Harenko "Moscow which we lost") "After the decisions of the Council of the Church of the Church and School from the Church, the department of theology in the Moscow Agricultural Institute was abolished. The house church, according to the Bolshevik Decree, was separated from the Institute and turned into an ordinary parish church in which he continued to serve about. John, in 1919 built in San Archpriest. The first destructive blow to the Petropavlovsk Church was the withdrawal of church values - an action, like a hurricane swept in April 1922. Representatives of the goggle The authorities carried out all the adhesives of the Petropavlovsky temple a little more than the jewelry, including the liturgical vessels. In August of the same year, John was arrested on charges of "counter-revolutionary agitation". It was a fairly standard accusation applied for clergymen. "
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artem_isa4 25 de diciembre de 2021 a las 03:39

Эта фотография, которую я никогда раньше не видел.

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Foto publicada el
 27 de agosto de 2021 a las 21:25

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