Vokiečių karinė ligoninė Vilniaus pirklio klubo pastate


Vokiečių karinė ligoninė Vilniaus pirklio klubo pastate

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Lithuania Lithuania > Vilnius County > Vilnius
The activities of architect Mikhail Prozorov was not limited to the actual architecture. He was an active member of the Vilnius industrial and merchant of the national assembly, or as it is called - the Merchants Club, uniting the most active entrepreneurs in their ranks. When the Assembly has decided to acquire a prestigious spaces, it is natural to use the services soklubnika. Construction of the building of the Merchants Club (ex. Gediminas, 35/1) of the project M. Prozorov completed in early 1913. At the first floor housed six shops on the top - the club room and a conference room. Interiors and facades of houses have been resolved in the neoclassical style. And the original appearance he gave the windows of different sizes and shapes, as well as the stucco on the exterior walls. This magnificent building in Soviet times housed the Vilnius city council, then the city's architectural control.
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Foto publicada el
 8 de marzo de 2018 a las 02:03

© Unknown
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Old photos of Vilnius,Old photographs of Vilnius,Old images of Vilnius,Old snapshots of Vilnius,Old panoramic views of Vilnius,Old prints of Vilnius