Калужская площадь


Калужская площадь

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Russian Federation Russian Federation > Moscow > Yakimanka District
1. All photos on our website, documenting the events of October 1917 (we are talking about the cards) - the work of a photographer - AF Dorna.Seriya of nearly 20 cards issued to poor paper anonymous publishing in early 1918 - is still and the very first Soviet postcards. In the next picture - the result of a shot that is produced with the Kaluga ploschadi.2. When firing guns were mounted on the Kremlin's Nikolskaya Street on Shvivoy Hill, Sparrow Hills, near Krymsky Bridge, on Kudrinskaya Square, Kaluga. The gun in the photo belonged to 7 Ukrainian artillery battalion stationed on the Sparrow Hills, and went over to the Bolsheviks, November 1 (November 14, New Style) .Obstrelivali city and artillery battalion, which arrived from Tver
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488 fotos

Дом №22 по улице Чернышевского (вариант №2)Вид на стадионЗарядье. Вид на Знаменский соборУнивермаг «Москва»Улица Ильинка. Вид с Красной площади

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Калужская площадьЛенинский проспектКалужская площадьКалужская площадьСтанция метро «Калужская» (будущая «Октябрьская»)Ленинский проспектТраурная процессия на Октябрьской площадиСтанция метро «Калужская» (ныне «Октябрьская»)Улица Димитрова (Большая Якиманка)Вестибюль станции метро

Foto publicada el
 3 de agosto de 2020 a las 20:54

© A. F. dorn
Todos los derechos reservados

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Old photos of Yakimanka District,Old photographs of Yakimanka District,Old images of Yakimanka District,Old snapshots of Yakimanka District,Old panoramic views of Yakimanka District,Old prints of Yakimanka District