Скрыжаванне вуліц Шашэйнай і Таполевай


Скрыжаванне вуліц Шашэйнай і Таполевай

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Belarus Belarus > Brest Region > Brest
At this point - angle Shosseynaya Street (now pr. Masherova from Kobrin Lenina to the bridge) and ul. Topolevoy (now ul. 17 of September) in 1905 May 1 (according to various reports May 13 (April 30)) was a demonstration (demonstration) in honor of the 1st of May. According to various sources, from participating in the demonstration were in the presence of a firearm, so this demonstration has been called "revolutionary Terror of 1905-1906. In Brest-Litovsk. " The events of that day is described as follows:". . . In the evening on the street. Highway demonstration was held, which was attended by about 600 people. It was heard anti-government speech. Demonstrators with shouts of "Hurray!" May Day proclamation and scattered shots from revolvers saluted "the worldwide celebration of workers'. . . The police tried to disperse the protesters, but it drove shot from a revolver. "
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evdok_flower 21 de septiembre de 2020 a las 01:05

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Foto publicada el
 28 de mayo de 2020 a las 10:13

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