Gulcha Gorge River. Migrations in the Kyrgyz Alai


Gulcha Gorge River. Migrations in the Kyrgyz Alai

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Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan > Osh Region > Gagarin
The book stated a completely wrong place -". Lyangar Gorge ..." The Langar (a lot of them here means that on the part of the Pamir Alai tract, which hosted the expedition), a completely different landscape, not a "mountain" .Photography made in the bottom half Gulcha flow between Kyzyl-Kurgan and Kurgan-Sophie, where just the river flows in a narrow gorge. A view down the river to the north. Sypuha in the background and a big rock on the left bank remained unchanged until our vremeni.
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203 fotos

Фрунзе. Ленинский проспектШакафтар. Запруда на реке Сумсар у Киевская-Советская магазин Шакафтар. Рабочий посёлок.Фрунзе. Республиканская библиотека им. Чернышевского

Fotos cercanas

Valley Gulcha above Kyzyl-KurganValley Gulcha above Kyzyl-KurganRiver valley. Hulchynka approx tract Sofi-KurganDolina, p. Red-Гульча Caldwell КоргонаWAYS to Mazar-Sofi for MoundValley Gulcha above-Sophie BarrowValley Gulcha in the lower reachesGulcha valley of the river between the steep walls of loessGorge Gillis. The road to the pass ChyyyrchykGulcha. The beginning of the Great Pamir Alai road

Foto publicada el
 7 de octubre de 2020 a las 10:14

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