"Buzovnyneft" trestinin evi. Torgovaya və S. Vurğun küçələrin kəsişməsində "Buznneft" etimadı evi


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Azerbaïdjan Azerbaïdjan > Baku > Baku
The general view of the residential building of the Buznneft Trust in Baku (Azerbaijan). Architect: Useynov M.A. Architect: Dadashev S.A. The end of the construction of the house is the end of the 40s of the last century. In front of the house, Sameda Vurguna is taking place (now the street bears the former name). On the left is Torgovaya Street (now Nizami Street). The fence is visible in the lower right corner - work is underway to create a bank kindergarten. At the house at the time of shooting there are still no vertical inscriptions "House of models" in two languages (Azerb. On the left side, Russian from the right). The house is perfectly preserved to the present.
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Photo publiée sur
 26/02/2020 05:06

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