Касцёл Святой Кацярыны


Касцёл Святой Кацярыны

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Białoruś Białoruś > Minsk Region > Nesvizh District > Nyasvizh
Belarus, Minsk region, Nesvizh. Bernardin Church Fragment."The Church of St. Catherine and the Bernardine Monastery Complex is founded by Nikolai Christofore Radziwill Lostanka in 1598, built on the project of the Italian architect Bernardoni.In 1655, during the fire, the monastery burned down, was rebuilt in 1662. From 1628 during the monastery The school of theology worked, which was replaced by the school of philosophy in 1654. In the temple stood tombstones of patrons from famous Magnatian and shredded births. The crucifix, which was in the main altar, was considered a wonderful creative. In 1793, the church of St. Catherine and the building of the monastery burned down, they rebuilt them in 1802-1822. In the monastery, a cloth manufactory was worked, there were a rich library and archive. In 1864, the monastery was abolished, the monks were sent, the residential corps were transferred to the military department, and the church was consecrated in 1892 to the Orthodox Church of St.
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 23/03/2018 22:59

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