Verxovka Ayriksaya


Verxovka Ayriksaya

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Uzbekistan Uzbekistan > Tashkent Region > Bostanlik district
In the upper reaches of Iryxai, the right influx of Coxes, there is a small lake Kichkinkul . The photo is made with a bypass trail on the dawn in front of the lake (the lake itself is not visible behind him) up the gorges in about the northeast, the vertices of the Pskemsky ridge were away. A complicit view of GE with modern photography
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560 fotos

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Foto publicada el
 1 de junio de 2020 a las 01:46

© Igor Goncharov
Todos los derechos reservados

Imagen utilizada mediante las condiciones "Fair Use"

Old photos of Bostanlik district,Old photographs of Bostanlik district,Old images of Bostanlik district,Old snapshots of Bostanlik district,Old panoramic views of Bostanlik district,Old prints of Bostanlik district