Жінки-університет Ольга


Жінки-університет Ольга

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Ukraine Ukraine > Kyiv
Higher Women's Courses, or Women's University of St. Olga. Since 1913, the building was built in 1913 on the street of Malovladimirskaya (= Stolypinskaya = Gregory Gershuni = Lado Ceckshoveli = Valery Chkalova = Antonovich (with him.) = Olesya Gonchar), house 55. Previously been placed at Fundukleevskaya, 51. By analogy With University of Sv. Vladimir, Higher Women's Courses wore the name of St. Olga. The course of science corresponded to the university, and they taught the same professors here. Faculties were faculties: physico-mathematical (with compartments: mathematical, physico-mathematical, physicochemical, biological), historical and philological (with departments: historical, Slavic-Russian, German-Romanesque), legal and commercial. The fronton of the building decorates the head of Athens-Pallades, patroness of sciences, goddesses of wisdom, knowledge of arts and crafts. The building has been preserved. Now it houses the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Ukraine.
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Foto publicada el
 10 de noviembre de 2020 a las 06:35

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