The view from the tower of one of the northern facade of St. George Factory


The view from the tower of one of the northern facade of St. George Factory

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Estonia Estonia > Narva linn > Narva
The view from the tower of one of the northern facade of the St. George's factory. Estonia, Ida-Viru County, Narva, 1910s
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452 fotos

Krengol'mskaâ manufactoriesÜlemiste jaamsepp tänavalIoaorgVaata St George Factory

Fotos cercanas

Vaata St George FactoryMonument century Krenholm strikeKrengol'mskaâ manufactoriesKreenholmi tuletõrjeKrengol'mskaâ manufactoriesGeorge ja Ioalskaya tehase Kreenholmi FactoryNarva Str. JoalaKrengol'mskaâ manufactoriesGeorge tehasemaja V.Shoukrossa

Foto publicada el
 3 de agosto de 2020 a las 16:26

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Fotos antiguas de Narva,Fotografías antiguas de Narva,Imágenes antiguas de Narva,Instantáneas antiguas de Narva,Panorámicas antiguas de Narva,Estampas antiguas de Narva