The old terraces houses in front of the castle walls


The old terraces houses in front of the castle walls

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Zjednoczone Królestwo Zjednoczone Królestwo > Wales > Ceredigion > Cardigan
If you stood on the old town bridge looking north, for much of the nineteenth and early twentieth century you would have seen a row of houses situated directly in front of the castle walls and stretching from the bridge right up to the current Castle entrance. This was called Bridge Parade. The man on the bicycle is outside the Liverpool Arms which was number 6 (buildings are numbered from left to right in this photo). The licence of the Liverpool Arms was held by Hannah Davies, 1891–1896 Benjamin Lloyd 1896–1898 and Sarah Williams 1901–1923.
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 09/07/2017 18:53

© J. Turnor Mathias
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