Lyon - la Place des Cordeliers, l'église Saint-Bonaventure


Lyon - la Place des Cordeliers, l'église Saint-Bonaventure

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Francja Francja > Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes > Métropole de Lyon > Lyon
Lyon - Cordeliers Square, Church of St. Bonaventury.Tserkov St. Bonaventure in the original style with a strong influence of Gothic, richly decorated with sculptures and stained-glass windows, was first erected in 1327 Franciscan monks, whose possessions held prior to the French Revolution, a significant part of the central Presqu'ile district of Lyon ( Presqu'île). The church has repeatedly been subjected to destruction: particularly strong in 1562 during the religious wars and in 1796 during the French Revolution. Repeatedly rebuilt for the last time in 1848 godu.Pomimo alia Cordeliers area is known for that was captured in the film of the Lumiere brothers' Square in Lyon Cordeliers, "which was shown at the first public film show 28 December 1895 on the Boulevard des Capucines in Paris.
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909 zdjęcia

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 27/03/2018 04:32

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