Jäger Straße 75 und 76, Ecke Mauer Straße


Jäger Straße 75 und 76, Ecke Mauer Straße

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Germany Germany > Berlin
Haus Jägerstraße No. 75-76, corner of Mauerstraße 25, in a photography by Georg Bartels from 1905, with a view to the north. The picture was taken shortly before the house was demolished, actually all houses on the area between Jäger, Wall, French and Kanonier Straße (today Glinka-Straße). Until 1908, by the architect Wilhelm Martens, a new building for Deutsche Bank will be built. This building, together with the building between Behren, Wall, French, French and Kanonier, will form an entire building complex for Deutsche Bank.
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ernst_55 14 de abril de 2021 a las 22:06

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Foto publicada el
 9 de abril de 2020 a las 12:40

© Georg Bartels
Todos los derechos reservados

Imagen utilizada mediante las condiciones "Fair Use"

Old photos of Berlin,Old photographs of Berlin,Old images of Berlin,Old snapshots of Berlin,Old panoramic views of Berlin,Old prints of Berlin