Major's Hill Park late 1950's


Major's Hill Park late 1950's

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Note the government printing bureau in the middle right (where the National Gallery now stands) with the temporary buildings above on Sussex Dr. You could drive around Nepean Pt at that time. Lady Grey Drive was the curved street (hardly exists now) between the printing bureau and the temporary bldgs.
Комментарии (1)


ally_son  29/03/2020 07:05

Please, go up over this area

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149 снимки

HMS RaleighYork university buildingsDaly BuildingAerial view of Niagara fallsUniversity of Toronto buildngs

Фотографии вблизи

Nepean PointBoat locking down Rideau Canal, Hotel Chateau Laurier in backgroundBoat in Rideau LocksEntrance locks to the Rideau CanalNepean point footbridgeLover's WalkView from Parliament HillChateau LaurierLover's WalkMonument of Sir John A. MacDonald

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 15/11/2019 03:53

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