Former Avenue Haig, Victoria Terrace and the Six Nations casino


Former Avenue Haig, Victoria Terrace and the Six Nations casino

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China China > Jing'an District > Jing'an District
The villas in the foreground were once part of the infamous casino Six Nations 六国 ("the Liu Ka den"), which opened on August 1, 1940, at 346 Avenue Haig. This establishment was financed by six of the biggest operators in the Badlands, forced to close their joints on Yu Yuen Road by the Japanese occupational authorities and to consolidate on Avenue Haig, at the border of two foreign settlements. "Surrounded by the high masonry wall, the compound of Liu Ka contains two stately three-story stone houses connected by a glassed-in balcony on the second floor [...] Probably the designer of these edifices of neo-classic architecture would be surprised to see the glaring lights streaming at night from every window, or the half-filled parking spaced facing the columns, where he had laid out the garden.
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Foto publicada el
 20 de septiembre de 2019 a las 08:29

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