Žlutice. Кaple sv. Šebestiána nazývaná "Morová"


Žlutice. Кaple sv. Šebestiána nazývaná

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Republika Czeska Republika Czeska > Northwest > Karlovarský kraj > Žlutice
It has a new roof. Instead of a door, it has only a decorative grille, furnished. A square chapel without windows with a straight end covered with a gabled roof with burnt covering. The entrance facade of the chapel with a rectangular, semi-circular entrance without a door is topped by a triangular gable with a circular niche, a profiled cornice under the roof and a prismatic stepped extension with a cross on top. On the front side of the shield extension is a stone slab with a cut commemorative inscription in German: "Anno 1713 zur Pestzeit gelobt, 1714 nach Rettung geweiht, 1860 von Grund auf erneute". The outer walls of the chapel are smooth, without divisions. Large rectangular shallow niches are placed on the longitudinal walls. Inside, the chapel is glazed with pancake. There are three niches in the final inner wall. The interior was originally made up of a baroque statue of St. Sebastian and two folk statues of the Virgin Mary (Madonna) from the 19th century.
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 23/06/2022 18:57

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