Werderscher Markt. Mode-Bazar Gerson & Co. von der Schleusenbrücke aus gesehen


Werderscher Markt. Mode-Bazar Gerson & Co. von der Schleusenbrücke aus gesehen

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Germany Germany > Berlin
The building on Werderstraße 10-12/corner underwater road was built in 1873/74 by the architects Becker & Schlüter on behalf of the Aktiengesellschaft Baubank Metropolis as a residential and commercial building. The complicated start -up work near the lock grave leads to very high construction costs and corresponding rents, so that after the house has been completed, mainly companies, especially those of Hermann Gerson. The fashion bazaar Gerson & Co. runs furniture, carpets, curtains, etc. and advertises to equip entire apartments and houses. In 1889, the sales area was significantly expanded by adding the Werderstraße No. 9 property and the entire building is set up as a department store.
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noah_noroah 9 de septiembre de 2022 a las 04:53


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Foto publicada el
 21 de mayo de 2021 a las 01:47

© Friedrich Albert Schwartz
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Old photos of Berlin,Old photographs of Berlin,Old images of Berlin,Old snapshots of Berlin,Old panoramic views of Berlin,Old prints of Berlin