Mellon Square


Mellon Square

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633 zdjęcia

Truck hauling the Mellon Park Christmas treeMay-Stern's Furniture Store FireStanwix Street at First AvenueNew Diamond MarketCorner of Liberty and Fifth Avenues

Zdjęcia w pobliżu

Demolition of buildings on the Mellon Square siteMellon SquareMellon Square ParkMellon SquareView of Mellon Square Park construction progressTruck hauling the Mellon Park Christmas treeUnion Arcade Construction. Ground FloorCherry Way north from Oliver AvenueStores and buildings before their demolition to create Mellon SquareMellon Square

Zdjęcie opublikowane na stronie
 12/09/2019 06:50

© Alexandrowicz, John L.
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