Binalar prospekti. Şimal sovet meydanı. Prospekti. Şimali-Sovet MeYdan


Binalar prospekti. Şimal sovet meydanı. Prospekti. Şimali-Sovet MeYdan

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Azerbejdżan Azerbejdżan > Baku Ekonomic Zone > Baku
In the photo, the Builders Avenue and the North Sovetskaya Square (since 1970, the area of the 50th anniversary of the Soviet Azerbaijan). In the depths of the picture, the avenue rests on the hotel Azerbaijan (later Nakhichevan, later Haiyat) and turns to the right of Bakikhanov Street. Two more streets leave the square: the basket of Bagirova (in the middle to the right) and Soviet (down to the right). Several noteworthy buildings in the picture: the first sixteen -storey residential building in Baku (p. 1964 - 1969), the building of the CSU of Azerbaijan (pp. In the same years), opposite the Stalin of the Building of the early 1950s, with a well -known grocery store at the angle of angle - Number 13 (as well as with a large fabric store and post office 65), and at the bottom at the beginning of the Soviet, Stalin high-rise (page end of the 1950s) with a bookstore on the ground floor and a square with the poet M. Mushfig just installed.
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yunisius 29/10/2022 22:48

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203 zdjęcia

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 03/04/2021 03:01

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