Downtown skyline


Downtown skyline

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Financial titans from the East are seeking a place in the expanding Los Angeles skyline. Photo shows numerous tall buildings, including offices for Bank of America, City National Bank, Security Pacific. Also seen are One Wilshire, and the Embassy Hotel and Auditorium (foreground).
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833 zdjęcia

Las Campanas HospitalIsaac Brokaw house45 East 75th Street. Double red brick residence.449-453 West 123rd Street. The Benmore Apartment HousesEast 86th Street. Christmas tree in wartime, Carl Schurz Park

Zdjęcia w pobliżu

Downtown AerialBelasco TheaterTony's BurgerDowntown skyline, looking northElectric carGrand Hope Park proposed siteTrinity AuditoriumExplosion at Import/ExportOlive & 9th StreetStillwell Hotel

Zdjęcie opublikowane na stronie
 31/12/2019 23:59

© Lisa Hatalsky
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