Oak-Bourg, Kirche


Oak-Bourg, Kirche

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Szwajcaria Szwajcaria > Geneva > Chêne-Bougeries
The united stereoPara. In Louis Francoan's brochure “La Paroisse de Chool: Esquisse Historique”, published in 1937, it was indicated that the construction of the church in the XVIII century was the subject of the debate and, finally, “The construction of the new church was decided. The first stone of the Church was consecrated on October 21, 1762, the Archpriest-Street of Annemass M. Gayio. [...] Bishop Biord consecrated the Church on August 11, 1765. "It is then on the territory of Savoy, the new church has benefited from the royal generosity:“ We know that the king [Sardinia Karl Emmanuel III] in addition to 12,900 pounds that he he is Previously, he gave silver in silver, also provided sacred vases, jewelry, linen and church furniture worth 5,000 pounds.
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509 zdjęcia

Eiche-Bourg. Favre -DenkmalLuzernLuzern, Zentrum, AltstadtGeneral-Guisan-QuaiHolbeinstrasse, 30

Zdjęcia w pobliżu

Chêne-Bougeries, rue du Vieux-Chêne, 1Chêne-Bougeries, rue du Vieux-ChêneChêne-Bourg, ehemalige Saint-François de Sales ChurchRue de Chêne-Bougeries : Arrêt des Trois-MartyrsAncien arrêt des Trois MartyrsEichenburge, Pont Sur la SeymazChêne-BourgChêne Bougeries. Place des Trois MartyrsChêne-Bourg, Old Chêne: KlosterEiche

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 21/03/2021 03:53

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