Pentrebach House


Pentrebach House

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282 zdjęcia

Tower Ramparts School - IpswichThe view from the Victoria monumentStrandFalkland Islands, Port Stanley, Ross RoadEdinburgh Castle from Grass Market

Zdjęcia w pobliżu

Hoover's, Kayser Bondor & The TrianglePentrebach House in the snowPentrebach Preparatory Factory's Nissen hutsLong Row prior to demolitionUnloading a car inside The TriangleThe filling station near the Hoover GatesVictor Moss walking along Church Street near The Triangle with laundry drying across the roadThe Plymouth Hotel, PentrebachNo. 2, The triangleLadies next to the No.2

Zdjęcie opublikowane na stronie
 29/05/2022 10:30

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