Trucks, West and Desbrosses Streets


Trucks, West and Desbrosses Streets

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820 zdjęcia

Seventh Avenue Looking West from the Nelson Tower433-435 West 53rd StreetRoast Corn Man328-332 West 26th StreetBrooklyn Bridge & Skyscapers

Zdjęcia w pobliżu

U.S. Medical Warehouse, West & Vestry StreetsIndustrial building, West Street and Vestry StreetU. S. Medical Warehouse, $700,000 Fire, West & Vestry StsWest Side Elevated HighwayIndustrial building, West Street and Vestry StreetWest street, Laight Street, Vestry Street. (Before Reconstruction). June 9, 1918West StreetWest Street, north from but not including Laight StreetThe old elevated highway, looking north towards the bridge over Canal StreetWest Side Elevated Highway

Zdjęcie opublikowane na stronie
 30/09/2019 18:10

© Berenice Abbott
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