37th Street from the 1st Avenue


37th Street from the 1st Avenue

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37th Street from the 1st Avenue, 1968
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549 zdjęcia

Western Exterminator, looking southeastImperial HighwayGood Samaritan HospitalJackson Heights apartments. Construction viewMGM Studios backlot

Zdjęcia w pobliżu

East 37th Street and the East Side Airlines TerminalE. 37th Street, west from First AvenueFirst Avenue, east side, south from E. 37th to 36th Streets. January 31, 1939First Avenue, west side37th Street, west from and including First Avenue,First Avenue, east side, north from E. 37th to 39th Streets37th Street, south side, west from First AvenueFirst Avenue, west side, from E. 37th to 38th StreetsE. 37th Street, west of First avenueConstruction work with Empire State Building in the background

Zdjęcie opublikowane na stronie
 23/09/2019 03:31

© János Métneki
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