Valley Boulevard


Valley Boulevard

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Valley Boulevard in Los Angeles, just east of where it crosses Westmont Drive in Alhambra. Seen are Foster and Kleiser billboards promoting the use of Standard Oil, encouraging the purchase of war bonds, a service station with a restaurant, the welcoming and service organization signs for the City of Alhambra, and Houston Stucco Waterproofing Co.
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684 zdjęcia

John Murray House. 220 Madison AvenueVernon and 4th avenuesCrenshaw aerialFormer Chrisman Hall, now Phinney Hall, Men's dorm of Idaho UniversityEast 38th Street and Madison Avenue, southeast corner. Fraternities Club House. Entrance

Zdjęcia w pobliżu

Roadside cafe traffic accidentHiggins Brick & Tile Company, looking southwestHiggins Brick & Tile Company, looking southThe University Bus StationHiggins Brick & Tile Company, looking southeastHiggins Brick & Tile Company, Ramona Blvd., looking eastMarianna AvenueValley BoulevardPasa-Hambra railroad crossingFelt Works, looking north from Commomwealth and Date Avenues

Zdjęcie opublikowane na stronie
 12/12/2019 11:55

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