Looking from 4th Street Bridge toward gas tanks


Looking from 4th Street Bridge toward gas tanks

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Urugwaj Urugwaj > California > Los Angeles County > Los Angeles
Looking from 4th Street Bridge toward gas tanks, 1932
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590 zdjęcia

Sixth Avenue at N. E. corner of 17th StreetWest 48th Street, south side, east of Sixth Ave. A view eastward from No. 52,121-101 West 51st Street, west of, adjoining, and at the N.W. corner of Sixth AvenueWest side of Sixth Avenue, 53rd-54th StreetsSixth Avenue, east side, view from a vantage point above 49th Street

Zdjęcia w pobliżu

4th St. BridgeOld 4th Street Bridge4th Street BridgeView from 6th Street Bridge toward city hall6th Street bridge6th Street BridgeEast side flats on Clarence Street, north of East 3rd StreetSalt Lake StationBaptist Christian CenterLooking on South Gless Street, south of 1st Street Yiddish Church

Zdjęcie opublikowane na stronie
 20/03/2023 22:38

© Wagner, Anton
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