7 Park Avenue, The "Green Park", at N.E. corner of 34th Street


7 Park Avenue, The

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February 19, 1929.
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719 zdjęcia

39th Street, north side, from Park to Madison Avenues. December 2, 1931East 27th Street, south side, west from and including Fourth AveLafayette Street, west side, north from and including Bond, to and including East 4th Streets.Lexington Ave., west side, north from 53rd Street, showing at the S.W. corner of 55th Street51st Street at the N.W. corner of Lexington Avenue

Zdjęcia w pobliżu

71st Regiment Armory. Park Avenue and 34th StreetPark Avenue, north from East 34th Street, showing an extensive view to 42nd StreetPark Avenue NYCEast 34th Street & Park AvenuePark Avenue north from 34th Street, showing the contrast of the old and new in the transition era.East 34th Street & Park AvenueBirthplace of Cornelius Vanderbilt, Jr., 34th Street and Fourth Avenue.34th Street Park Avenue to Madison. South Side. October 24, 192071st Regiment Armory. Park Avenue and 34th StreetPark Avenue, north from 34th Street, showing buildings along the east side.

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 25/11/2018 03:39

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