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Although at that time the railway line from Vitznau was already laid, but the last 1.8 km to the top had to be walked: .
Komentarze (1)


leah_af 07/05/2019 11:10

Who doesn't know that area?

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221 zdjęcia

Rigi-Kulm. Grand Hotel SchreiberRigi-Kaltbad, Hotel BellevueL'Hôtel du Rigi-KulmLe Pont neuf et l'hôtel du LacDienstbrücke: Schleuse für Caisson, Fundament F, spätere Pfeiler

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Le Rigi Staffel et le Rigi KulmLe Righi StaffelVitznau-Rigi-Bahn, Blick von StaffelhöheRigi StaffelStaffel vom RothstockRigi-Kaltbad, Hotel BellevueRigi-KulmRigi-StaffelRigi. StaffelGasthaus Breitinger Staffel-Kulm

Zdjęcie opublikowane na stronie
 17/04/2019 10:49

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